Ria turns 4
Ria turned 4 on 5th May. Astonished to see them growing up so fast. About a month back we asked her what she wanted as a Bday gift. Without blinking, she said she wanted a 'pink bicycle. So we said..we'll see. Then about 2 weeks before her bday, we asked her if she wanted Bday cake and Biryani for her Bday. She thought for sometime and then said 'No'. We were perplexed for a minute. She then added, that she only wants a bicyle. Only then did we realise that she must have felt that, if we bought her the cake and biryani, we may not get her the bicycle. She could sacrifice them for the cycle of her dreams, couldn't she? :-)
Anyways, above are the photos of both the black forrest Bday cake and bicyle. Could not get the photo of the biryani :-)