Mar 25, 2007

The Bald and the Beautiful

It been really hot for the last two weeks here in Bangalore, so, we thought of giving Ria some respite from the heat. What better way than a complete shave ! Her face looks so different now. She seems much happier (as seen in the pic) but others around her seem forlorn when they see her without her hair ! If not the dense Amazon forest, we hope that she is atleast able to sport a Savannah kinda hairdo for her first B'day :-)
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My Bathtub

Went for a short trip to 'God's Own Country' aka Kerala last week. It was so hot and humid there that Ria never wanted to come out of her bathtub. :-)
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Mar 12, 2007


It seems just like yesterday when Tara was expecting. Time truly flies !! A year has passed since the last ultrasound scan (pic taken a year back), when we could see the foetus, complete with limbs, spine (top left) etc. We could also see the 4 chambers of the heart pumping !! I still remember seeing her stretch her hands and legs in the womb as if she was waking up from hibernation disturbed by some odd object poking her from outside :-) And now, its hard to believe that Ria was like that 10 months ago ! Seeing this metamorphosis, 'transforms' me into a poet.

It's yesterday once more

It seems just like yesterday,
that the doc said, u'd be parents in May.
Our joy knew no bounds,
eagerly expecting baby sounds.
The scan showed her heart,
her spine, her limbs and every other part.
We got ready for the d-day,
not knowing what we'd expect on the way.
For a healthy baby we asked,
An Angel is what we got.
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Mar 11, 2007

Hide and Seek

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Mar 1, 2007


With Meeta Aunty


My favorite Grandparents

My Ammachi (Mama's Mom)
My Appacha (Mama's Dad)

My Gamma (shortform for Grandma :-) Papa's Mom)

My Gappa (Papa's Dad)